WoW Screenshot A Day, Days 12-17

Day 12 (macro)

I used my awesome home-made random mount macro found in this post.


Day 13 (fast)

How is it possible to get half way round the world in 20seconds?!

WoWScrnShot_081313_152230Day 14 (trash)

The word ‘trash’ means something slightly different in the UK, so we went for ‘trash-talk’. Here’s a DK dissing my little Gnome 😦

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Day 15 (the best)

This is the best of the Alliance… General Turalyon, honoured forever as a statue in Stormwind.

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Day 16 (cooking)

I grinded for houuuuurs to get the title and Best Friends with all the Halfhill characters AND to train Nomi. I’m also doing the dailies for the hat at the moment, so it’s only apt that I submit this picture.

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Day 17 (exercise)

Spinning classes are all the rage these days, right?!

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6 thoughts on “WoW Screenshot A Day, Days 12-17

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